About Me

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Orem, Utah, United States
My name is Annie Campbell and 9 years ago my son was diagnosed with Autism. Over the years of treatments, therapies and schools (with my son) I have learned countless techniques for dealing with children with special needs. Through my experience in primary, I have come up with some specific tips to create a happy atmosphere in church.
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Thursday, March 3, 2011


Last Sunday, my husband and I taught an in service training for all primary workers on "How to create a happy and more productive class".  I was shocked with how many people came out!  Almost all primary workers from my ward as well as several primary presidencies from other wards were there!  We started by showing the Primary Angels DVD and then went onto other ideas and charts as well as anything tangible.  Everyone was incredibly receptive and excited about the information.  We ended with questions.  Finally after 2 hours, we finally had to just end it and say if anyone had any more questions to call us.  It was amazing to see how many people feel the same way about primary as I do!

Here are some charts I made for the meeting:  

This one can be used alone or with another for tracking a child's progress.  I use it as a game for my class.  I place star stickers on the squares that have prizes (i.e. choose a song, tell a story, choose a prize from our treasure box, choose a sticker) and when they reach the end, they get to choose a class treat!  The kids love it.  This pic is only 1/3 of the actual size.  Keep in mind when making this kind of chart to make it so the children will get a prize VERY easily for the first 2 months.  After that, move the timing to about every other week or so.

I use this chart as a visual reminder of how the kids are to behave.  If they need no reminders, they stay on green, one reminder is yellow and two or more is red.  I am always much more lenient in the beginning and after about a month or so I up my expectations.  For example, in the beginning I would consider asking a child to keep their shirt down and them listening to be fine.  After about a month or so (depending on the kids) I would consider having to ask them as a warning.  Make sure you make the requirements suitable for YOUR class.  Each child is different and its ok to have different expectations of each.

This chart is just the class rules.  Since the class I teach is young, I always try to add pics to help the kids understand and know what I mean.  By "Have good listening ears" I have a pic of ears.  Its an easy way for the kids to remember the rules.  I always make sure the kids know what is expected from them.  I have one child that his behaviors turned around just based on knowing the rules.  He is my biggest enforcer of them now.

Good Luck with your callings and let me know if I can help in ANY way!


  1. Annie, these are wonderful posts. Please keep them coming!

  2. Annie, thanks so much for your insight on Autism and primary. I'm the primary pres. in a ward with only 50 primary children. Three out of the 50 have special needs, and two of those have Autism. Your blog has been very enlightening. Thanks so much for sharing your experiences.

  3. Thank you for your blog. I've just been called to be a Primary teacher of a class with a student with Autism. I'm excited to try out these charts and your positivity tips to see if they help.
