About Me

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Orem, Utah, United States
My name is Annie Campbell and 9 years ago my son was diagnosed with Autism. Over the years of treatments, therapies and schools (with my son) I have learned countless techniques for dealing with children with special needs. Through my experience in primary, I have come up with some specific tips to create a happy atmosphere in church.
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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Ups and downs

A friend of mine from one of Jackson's schools used to tell me that kids with Autism only behave in ways to get their needs met. So to remember that Jackson will have difficult behaviors but that he is only trying to tell you he needs something. It's our job to figure out what that is.

Recently I've had a reminder of this. I also think this concept can transfer to most kids. When kids, either my own or in my class, suddenly begin acting out, I try to step back from the situation and look at things objectively. What am I NOT doing that this child needs?

Sunday I realized I have been forgetting to observe positive behavior. Of course I have told them thanks for cleaning up and such but I had dramatically decreased the times I said thank you for having good listening ears or walking feet. I know a couple kids NEED this and when they are consistanly good I easily forget.

Thanks for everyone who reads and comments and I hope things are going well with all the parents and teachers! Good luck and let me know if I can help with anything!


  1. Today, I got a copy of the article in Mormontimes and so I wanted to check out your blog to help me and my two boys. Thank you so much for having a blog so I can come and maybe use what you have done with your child. I hope to come to find that Sundays are not so stressful like they have been. I just want one Sunday where going to church is not an obstacle chaotic race. It is not fun and then by the time I get to church I do not feel the spirit, thank you and I hope to find your words to inspire me to do things to help my boys.

  2. Thank You so much for your hard work and diligence inn making Primaries everywhere run smoothly!

    We are having a Teacher Leadership Training on Sunday and are showing your movie!! We have a fairly large Primary with one class having 4 boys with ADD.

    On your video,it shows the use of vibrating timers. Where can I find them? I've looked around online and have seen a couple for $39.

    Lauren Simmons
