About Me

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Orem, Utah, United States
My name is Annie Campbell and 9 years ago my son was diagnosed with Autism. Over the years of treatments, therapies and schools (with my son) I have learned countless techniques for dealing with children with special needs. Through my experience in primary, I have come up with some specific tips to create a happy atmosphere in church.
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Thursday, December 2, 2010

Five tips for teaching children with special needs.....

1. Make sure your expectations are appropriate for the child.

2. Be creative and try to get the child involved.

3. Create a rewards system.

4. Speak positively!

5. Praise them when they are doing something right.

1 comment:

  1. Great Blog! I have been an educator in Autism for over 20 years, but never had success integrating my own kids into primary very well. :(

    It took me a little longer to take matters into my own hands and get my own blog up. Check it out:

